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Good afternoon, my dear teachers. I am very glad to be informed to have this interview. Now I will introduce myself briefly. My name is ???. I was born in September,??th ,??? in ??? province, and I am now a senior undergraduate student from the school of Mathematics, ????? University. And I will graduate in July this year.

My hometown is Anqing, a beautiful ancient city near the Changjiang river. It is famous for its Huangmei opera. In Anhui’s history, Anqing played a very important role. So it has a profound culture background.

I graduated from Anqing No.1 Middle School in 2005. And then I left Anqing for Haerbin to begin my college life. Although my university is not well known, I still appreciate the education it gave me. Because I’ve acquired basic knowledge of elementary mathematics during the four years.

In college, my major was information and computing science when I was a freshman, but I changed it for mathematics and applied mathematics next year. Because I wanted to learn more professional knowledge about pure mathematics.

In my junior year, I begin to learn the courses about abstract algebra and general topology. It was an exciting experience. I have a new view of the concepts which I had learned before. I spent almost my spare time learning by myself during the four years. And of all the courses I studied, I like real analysis most. But I think at present, I still have many things to learn. So further study is still urgent for me. And I hope I can lay a solid foundation after two years study.

That’s all. Thank you.


文章作者:rong xiang

发布时间:2009年08月01日 - 20:08

最后更新:2022年10月25日 - 23:10


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